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Lori Mitchell 02/14/2015 Anaheim XCEL Valentine's Workout PART A- 3 rounds

30 Wall Balls- 6 lb ball
20 Med Ball Cleans- 6 lb ball
10 Toe to pole

PART B- 3 rounds (21-15-9)

21 Thrusters (25 lbs)
21 Pull ups (Straps)
15 Thrusters (25 lbs)
15 Pull ups (Straps)
9 Thrusters (25 lbs)
9 Pull ups (Straps)
18m 47s
Workout Scaled
Lori Mitchell 02/04/2015 Anaheim XCEL Lets Rest 5 rounds, each for time, of:

20 pull-ups

30 wall-ball shots, 10-lb. ball

40 push-ups

Rest precisely 3 minutes between each round.
32m 48s
Performed as RX
Lori Mitchell 01/29/2015 Anaheim XCEL Deadlifts or Squatcleans Squat Cleans

( 5 RM ) 15 minutes

Part B

3 rounds for time

Squat clean, 20 reps (55 lbs)
15 Pull-ups (Straps)

Run 800 meters (Rowing 500 Meters instead)
19m 48s
Workout Scaled
Lori Mitchell 01/28/2015 Anaheim XCEL Biceps and Triceps 5 EMOM

1) Incline bench barbell curls
2) Standing narrow curls
3) Reverse grip curls
4) Dumbbell hammer curls (3 rounds at 12 lbs & 2 rounds at 7 lbs)

1) Banded pulldowns
2) Barbell tricep extensions
3) Barbell skull crushers
4) Dumbbell tricep extensions (15 lbs)
40m 00s
Performed as RX
Lori Mitchell 01/27/2015 Anaheim XCEL Leg Day 20 min a station. Alternating exercises every other minute.

Station one.

6 deadlifts

15 leg presses.

Station 2:

5 back squats

8-10 box jumps (Step ups instead of jumps)
65 . lbs
Performed as RX
Lori Mitchell 01/22/2015 Anaheim XCEL Clean and jerk Clean and jerk (Deadlifts instead)

4 sets of 5 (add by 2.5 to 5 lbs. after each set)
55 lbs
60 lbs
65 lbs
75 lbs

3 sets of 3 reps
75 lbs
75 lbs
Performed as RX
Lori Mitchell 01/22/2015 Anaheim XCEL Lets Run Run 400 meters (Rowing instead)

Clean and jerks, 15 reps (Deadlifts)

Run 400 meters (Rowing instead)

30 toes-to-bars/Knees to elbow (Feet to pole lying down)

Run 400 meters (Rowing instead)

45 wall balls

Run 400 meters (Rowing instead)

Kettle bell swings, 45 reps (Skipped)

Run 400 meters (Skipped)

30 ring dips (60 box dips instead)

Run 400 meters (Rowing instead)
25m 14s
Workout Scaled
Lori Mitchell 01/21/2015 Anaheim XCEL Keep It Moving 25 min to get as far as you can...

15 Deadlifts (35 lbs)

10 Wall Balls

10 Box Jumps 24/20in (Mod to Step Ups)

15 Deadlifts (35 lbs)

20 Wall Balls

20 Box Jumps (Mod to Step Ups)

15 Deadlifts (35 lbs)

30 Wall Balls

30 Box Jumps (Mod to Step Ups)

15 Deadlifts (35 lbs)

40 Wall Balls

40 Box Jumps (Mod to Step Ups)

40 Double unders (80 Calf Lifts)

50 sit-ups (30/50 sit-ups completed)

60 pushups (Did not complete)

70 pull ups (Did not complete)
370 reps
Workout Scaled
Lori Mitchell 01/20/2015 Anaheim XCEL The Countdown Start with 1000 m row

21-18(skipped)-15-12(skipped)-9-6(Skipped)-3(Skipped) reps, for time of:

Contralateral Supermans (each side)



DB Tricep Extensions

Finish with 1000 m row
22m 48s
Workout Scaled
Lori Mitchell 01/15/2015 Anaheim XCEL Chest and Triceps EMOM 10min (Alt between exercises)

10-12 Bench Press / 10-14 deficit push-ups

12-15 Box Dips / 10-12 Narrow DB bench press

10 Trx Push ups / 8-10 DB skull crushers

8-10 One handed push-ups / 12-15 Tricep pull downs
35 lbs. lbs
Performed as RX
Lori Mitchell 01/14/2015 Anaheim XCEL Double or Nothing AMRAP 25 minutes


2 Power Cleans (Modified to Box step ups)

2 Burpees


4 Power Cleans (Modified to Box Step ups)

4 Burpees

6 rounds 42 reps
Workout Scaled
Lori Mitchell 01/13/2015 Anaheim XCEL Make a Friend In teams of 2

Every minute on the minute for 24 minutes (9 rounds for 18 mins)

4 burpees

With the time remaining do as many deadlifts as possible.

Only one athlete works at a time, alternate every minute.
9 reps
Workout Scaled